US-3574 Sunset State Beach

Operated Parks on the Air from US-3574 Sunset State Beach over the Thanksgiving weekend. Ended the weekend with 318 contacts on sideband and 47 on FT8 over 3 operating sessions. On sideband I was using my IC-7300 at 100w and FT8 with my IC-705 at 10w. Antenna was a BuddiHEX for 20m-6m and a j-pole for 2m/70cm. Power came from a 40ah LiFePO4 battery and 100w solar panel; I ended up running low on power due to everyone wanting to charge their phones off my battery box over the long weekend. I now have an additional 150w solar panel that was delivered while I was out of town for the next time I operate portable. The fun part was working my buddy would was out in the bay on his sailboat on 6m.

Categorized as POTA

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