222 HO Loops

This weekends project was getting a set of stacked 222 HO loops added to the roof. I ended up removing my 432 HO loops and attaching them on top of the new 222 HO loops then remounting everything to my center mast. Hopefully the 432 antenna benefits from being a little bit higher. I had… Continue reading 222 HO Loops


Acquired a BuddiHEX antenna for longer portable operations. I did a test deployment on my backyard to check it out.

Meshtastic Roof Node

Added a solar powered meshtastic node to my roof this morning. So far I am picking up other nodes but I have not been able to establish a chat connection with anyone. Hopefully more nodes go up on my side of town so there is better coverage. For now I am at least able to… Continue reading Meshtastic Roof Node

IC-9700 – X6000A

Made a trip to HRO in Sacramento to pick up the Icom IC-9700 & Diamond X6000A antenna; both have been installed at the house.