Got all six antennas connected to the IC-905 at the same time.
IC-905 Project 3
Building antennas, testing capabilities, and getting everything to together. I can now mounts the 4 upper bands on a single speaker stand. I have a second speaker stand and triplexer coming for the 2m/70cm antennas so all 6 bands can be deployed portable.
IC-905 Project 2
More testing with the IC-905. I was able to get my camera connected and tested transmitting on ATV. In the next few days I will be doing more ATV testing with K6MI who also has an IC-905. I also got the 10Ghz dish put together and connected to the transverter; still waiting on coax to… Continue reading IC-905 Project 2
IC-905 Project
Putting together an IC-905 for the Fresno Amateur Radio Club.
222MHz 50W Transverter
Added a Q5 Signal L222-28HP transverter to my closet and connected it directly to the 222 loops I installed last month. Under normal operating I will use my IC-7300 to drive the transverter on 10m but during a contest I will run cables to my IC-705. For contests this will allow me to dedicate the… Continue reading 222MHz 50W Transverter
222 HO Loops
This weekends project was getting a set of stacked 222 HO loops added to the roof. I ended up removing my 432 HO loops and attaching them on top of the new 222 HO loops then remounting everything to my center mast. Hopefully the 432 antenna benefits from being a little bit higher. I had… Continue reading 222 HO Loops
US-3574 Sunset State Beach
Operated Parks on the Air from US-3574 Sunset State Beach over the Thanksgiving weekend. Ended the weekend with 318 contacts on sideband and 47 on FT8 over 3 operating sessions. On sideband I was using my IC-7300 at 100w and FT8 with my IC-705 at 10w. Antenna was a BuddiHEX for 20m-6m and a j-pole… Continue reading US-3574 Sunset State Beach
Operated POTA from US-0071 Yosemite National Park over 4 days. Over multiple operating sessions from different locations around the park using different radios and antenna setups I finished the week with 469 QSOs between SSB and FT8. This achievement put me in first place for QSOs from the park according to the POTA website. The… Continue reading US-0071
Acquired a BuddiHEX antenna for longer portable operations. I did a test deployment on my backyard to check it out.
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Spent the day at the aquarium with my wife and no kids.