US-7494 #2

Went out for a second night of operating out at Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. Made 36 contacts on 20m & 40m over two hours.

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While in the Las Vegas area for a work conference I figured I would get up early to make the drive over and have time to activate Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area just west of the city.

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Meshtastic Roof Node

Added a solar powered meshtastic node to my roof this morning. So far I am picking up other nodes but I have not been able to establish a chat connection with anyone. Hopefully more nodes go up on my side of town so there is better coverage. For now I am at least able to… Continue reading Meshtastic Roof Node


Activated US-0034 – Great Smoky Mountains National Park in the rain. Conditions where difficult so I ended up doing the entire activation with 20m FT8.

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Took a trip to Kentucky and was able to activate US-0050 – Mammoth Cave National Park. I started on 20m and did not get any contacts so I switched to 40m and was more successful. We spent the night in the park so was I able to setup on the lawn outside of our one… Continue reading US-0050

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Activated US-0063 Sequoia National Park today. Band conditions were not the best but I was able to work 41 stations.

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K-8325 Madera Side

Did a second POTA activation at K-8325 Millerton Lake State Recreation Area but this time I setup at the top of the boat ramp on the Madera side. This was a much better spot: open sky, repeater coverage, and cell service. These all made a big difference as I was able to communicate and spot… Continue reading K-8325 Madera Side

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