Reference Injection Board

Installed the Leo Bodnar Reference Injection Board in my IC-9700. This setup uses a GPS antenna I installed in my attic to inject a 49.152Mhz signal into the local oscillator of the radio and keep it locked. This keeps the radio from drifting due to temperature changes and keeps it on frequency.

Pismo Beach

Took some ham sticks and the IC-7300 to the beach for some portable operations.


Trip to the Zoo with my wife and no kids.

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Backyard Portable

Tested running the IC-7300 portable from the backyard today and ended up working 3 POTA stations on 20m. Using 40m, 20m & 10m hamstick dipoles as a portable antenna setup until I can get something better.

Stacked 70cm HO Loops

Purchased this a few weeks ago and I was able to get it up on the roof this afternoon. This install included another run of LMR-400 with N connectors and an Alpha Delta 4 position switch. I am now moving onto antenna projects for the IC-7300.


After being licensed for 19 years I finally purchased my first new HF rig. The IC-7300 is currently setup for RX only until I get more antennas up. In the mean time I am playing with remote control over the USB port with a laptop until I have a permanent solution. Unlike the IC-9700 the… Continue reading IC-7300

Kingdoms of Asia

Checking out the new Kingdoms of Asia area at the Zoo.

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After an extended break we now have a Zoo membership again.

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Columbia State Historic Park

Took a walk around Columbia with my 17mm prime. Ended up taking most of the pictures of signs and making them black and white.

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2M HO Loop

Installed coax B a few days ago in preparation for the 2m HO Loop I put up this morning.